About March 2007

This page contains all entries posted to Peter's Fun Blog in March 2007. They are listed from oldest to newest.

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March 2007 Archives

March 14, 2007

Inside the Circle - An Amazing Documentary

I saw the movie last night and it was AMAZING! I highly recommend checking out the movie and the website here at www.insidethecircle.com

March 18, 2007

Japanese Bboying action

Mortal Combat versus Skill Energy X Men, AKA SEX Men. Looks like a pretty popular Japanese show. A pretty good battle, heavy on the power.

Bboys from Inside the Circle

Here's a few videos highlighting the guys from "Inside the Circle" (see 2 entries ago)

Josh AKA Milky \ Milkman

Josh AKA Milky \ Milkman

Omar - This is the video that made him famous that they mention in the movie.. it's pretty old - maybe 3-4 years ago. He's gotten a lot better since then.

March 22, 2007

1 week of artwork

This is pretty amazing, artists painting on a single canvas over the course of 1 week... it's like movin art. Shows that nothing is permanent, but you should enjoy what's going on in the present. Lots of funny stuff in this video, looks Japanese.

Pen Spinning Tricks

We used to this in high school. These guys are taking pen spinning to the next level. It's pretty awesome but they are a little bored I think.

The Beer Cannon

Awesome video of beer cans flying into breakable objects in slow motion. Definately worth the 3 minute view... sponsored by the beast... Milwaukee's Best

March 23, 2007

Crazy Bowling Shot

this guy picks up a spare across 2 lanes. I don't know how you practice this

Spelling Bee Antics

This kid faints in the middle of spelling a word then gets back up again. classic

Spelling Bee Antics pt2

Spelling Bee Antics pt 2. This girl is a little too excited! She won the national spelling bee right after this.

March 29, 2007

Lightning strike... BOOM!

Awesome videos of lightning strikes